The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) released Annual Performance Reports for school districts across the state of Missouri on Monday, December 18.
- APR represents the accountability model used by DESE as part of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) and is intended to be used to measure performance and improvement.
Last year, 2022, marked a change in the way APR was measured greatly impacting District scores.
- Whereas Districts could previously earn points using status or growth, accountability shifted to a model where both status and growth were of equal importance.
Mount Vernon earned 74.9% of available points on our APR for 2023.
2023 MSIP 6 Annual Performance Report
The District’s 74.9% APR puts Mount Vernon R-V in the following position:
- 336th out of 552 school districts in Missouri
- Just below the median for the state which is 76%
- 7th out of 13 schools in the Big 8 Conference
- The top score in the Big 8 was 83% showing that most of our peers are very tightly grouped together.
Only 26 Districts (out of 552) earned above 90% on their 2023 APR and only 2 of those Districts were located in southwest Missouri.
- For the second consecutive year, all categories of Academic Achievement Status remained On Track in the All Students category.
- Our Map Performance Index (MPI) Scores increased in Mathematics (both All Students and Student Groups).
- Our Map Performance Index (MPI) Scores increased in Science (both All Students and Student Groups).
- The District earned all available points for ICAPs after earning zero points last year.
Opportunities for Improvement:
- The District continues to struggle to earn points in Academic Growth.
- For the second consecutive year, the District earned fewer than 100% of points available in the category of College and Career Readiness Assessments.
- In seeing the impact just a few students can make in this category, we are planning a new approach to ensure we take every opportunity for our students to participate in these career planning activities.
- For the second consecutive year, the District earned 75% of points available for Attendance.
As long as this is the accreditation method used by the state of Missouri, we of course will strive to the best of our ability to earn the highest APR score possible.
- APR is one of the many tools we use to measure the quality of work we are doing.
- Our APR score will never be the most important metric in our District.
- Instead, we will continue to prioritize the overall wellbeing of our students and staff above metrics which focus primarily on test scores.